
Training a puppy is pivotal for their growth and your serenity. A well-trained puppy is joyous and secure. New puppy owners frequently encounter training dilemmas. These challenges are typical and can be tackled with patience, consistency, and the DoGoodDoggy system. Let’s delve into some common puppy training predicaments and how you can begin to resolve them.

Troubleshooting Common Puppy Problems


Housebreaking Issues

Problem: Housebreaking a puppy can be daunting. Frequent accidents and misunderstanding where to go are common. Puppies may not yet have control over their bladder and bowels. They might not know the correct place to relieve themselves.

Solution: Effective housebreaking involves several steps:

  • Crate Training: Use a crate to establish a safe haven for your puppy. Puppies dislike soiling their sleeping area, so a crate aids in teaching control.
  • Establish a Routine: Escort your puppy outside at regular intervals. First thing in the morning, after meals, and before bedtime are key times. Consistency helps your puppy learn when and where to go.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Reward your puppy immediately after they relieve themselves outside. Use treats and praise to reinforce the desired behavior.
  • Supervision and Confinement: Keep an eye on your puppy indoors. If you can’t supervise, confine them to a small area. This prevents accidents and helps establish good habits.
  • Clean Accidents Thoroughly: Use an enzymatic cleaner to erase all traces of accidents. This prevents your puppy from returning to the same spot.

Chewing and Biting

Problem: Puppies chew and bite for several reasons, including teething and exploration. Chewing helps alleviate discomfort during teething. Biting is a way for puppies to explore their world and play.

Solution: To manage chewing and biting:

  • Redirect Behavior: Provide appropriate chew toys. When your puppy chews on something inappropriate, redirect them to a toy.
  • Offer a Variety of Chew Toys: Different textures and shapes keep your puppy engaged. Rotate toys to maintain interest.
  • Teach Bite Inhibition: If your puppy bites during play, let out a high-pitched yelp and stop playing. This mimics the reaction of other puppies and teaches that biting halts the fun.
  • Supervise and Manage: Keep items you don’t want chewed out of reach. Supervise your puppy to prevent unwanted chewing.
  • Exercise and Mental Stimulation: Ensure your puppy gets enough physical activity and mental challenges. A tired puppy is less likely to chew out of boredom.

Excessive Barking

Problem: Excessive barking can stem from boredom, attention-seeking, or anxiety. Puppies may bark to communicate or express their needs.

Solution: To reduce excessive barking:

  • Provide Adequate Exercise: Ensure your puppy gets enough physical activity. A tired puppy is less likely to bark excessively.
  • Mental Stimulation: Engage your puppy with puzzle toys and training exercises. Mental challenges help reduce boredom.
  • Training Commands: Teach the “quiet” command. When your puppy barks, say “quiet” and wait for them to stop. When they do, reward them with a treat.
  • Ignore Attention-Seeking Barking: If your puppy barks for attention, avoid responding until they stop. Reward them when they are quiet.
  • Create a Calm Environment: Use calming aids like music or pheromone diffusers to reduce anxiety-induced barking.

Leash Pulling

Problem: Puppies often tug on the leash during walks. This behavior can make walks stressful and less enjoyable.

Solution: To teach loose-leash walking:

  • Use Treats: Hold treats in your hand and keep them close to your side. This encourages your puppy to walk beside you.
  • Stop When They Pull: If your puppy pulls, stop walking. Wait until they return to your side before moving again. This teaches that pulling does not lead to progress.
  • Practice Consistently: Short, frequent training sessions help reinforce good behavior. Gradually increase the duration as your puppy improves.
  • Use a Front-Clip Harness: A front-clip harness can help discourage pulling by redirecting your puppy’s attention back to you.
  • Reward Good Behavior: Praise and reward your puppy when they walk calmly beside you. Positive reinforcement strengthens desired behaviors.

Jumping Up on People

Problem: Puppies jump up on people to greet them or seek attention. This behavior can be endearing at first but can become problematic as the puppy grows.

Solution: To discourage jumping:

  • Ignore the Behavior: When your puppy jumps up, turn away and avoid eye contact. Do not push them away, as this can be seen as attention.
  • Reward Calm Greetings: Wait until your puppy sits or stands calmly before giving attention. Reward this calm behavior with treats and praise.
  • Teach the “Sit” Command: Use the “sit” command when your puppy approaches. Reward them when they sit instead of jumping.
  • Consistent Responses: Ensure everyone in the household responds to jumping in the same way. Consistency is key to changing behavior.
  • Controlled Greetings: When visitors come, have your puppy on a leash to control their greeting behavior. Ask visitors to ignore the puppy until they are calm.

Separation Anxiety

Problem: Puppies with separation anxiety show signs like destructive behavior and excessive whining when left alone. This can be stressful for both the puppy and the owner.

Solution: To ease separation anxiety:

  • Gradual Desensitization: Start by leaving your puppy alone for short periods. Gradually increase the duration as they become more comfortable.
  • Create a Safe Space: Provide a cozy area with familiar items like a blanket or a favorite toy. This space should feel secure for your puppy.
  • Comforting Sounds: Leave a radio or white noise machine on to create a calming environment. Familiar sounds can help reduce anxiety.
  • Use Pheromone Diffusers: These can create a calming effect. They mimic natural comforting scents produced by mother dogs.
  • Exercise Before Departure: Ensure your puppy gets physical activity before you leave. A tired puppy is more likely to rest while you are away.

Ignoring Commands

Problem: Puppies may disregard basic commands, causing frustration. Inconsistent training and unclear communication can lead to this issue.

Solution: To improve command response:

  • Consistent Training Sessions: Short, frequent training sessions are more effective than long, sporadic ones. Practice commands daily.
  • High-Value Rewards: Use treats your puppy loves. High-value rewards make training sessions more motivating.
  • Clear Communication: Use a clear, firm voice when giving commands. Ensure your puppy understands what is expected.
  • Avoid Repeating Commands: Say the command once and wait for your puppy to respond. Repeating commands can teach your puppy that they do not need to respond immediately.
  • Practice in Different Environments: Train in various locations to help your puppy generalize commands. This reinforces their learning.

Socialization Challenges

Problem: Proper socialization is crucial, but puppies may show fear or aggression towards new people or animals. Lack of socialization can lead to these issues.

Solution: For effective socialization:

  • Controlled Exposure: Introduce your puppy to new experiences gradually. Start with quiet, controlled environments and slowly increase the level of activity.
  • Positive Experiences: Pair new experiences with treats and praise. This helps your puppy associate new situations with positive outcomes.
  • Gradual Introduction: Allow your puppy to observe new people or animals from a distance. Gradually decrease the distance as they become more comfortable.
  • Puppy Classes: Enroll in puppy socialization classes. These provide a safe, controlled environment for your puppy to interact with others.
  • Monitor Body Language: Watch for signs of stress or discomfort. If your puppy appears anxious, remove them from the situation and try again later.


Training a puppy involves patience, consistency, and understanding. Encountering training problems is normal, and with the right approach, these issues can be resolved. With dedication and the right methods, you can conquer training challenges and enjoy a well-behaved and happy puppy. For more detailed guidance on how to fix all your puppy problems, sign up for a DoGoodDoggy account today.